Our smoothies, juices, acai bowls, avocado toast and snacks are packed with healthy nutrients and delicious goodness!


WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF STRAWBERRIES?  The history of strawberries can be traced back to ancient times, with the fruit being depicted in art and literature as early as the Greek and Roman civilizations. However, the first garden strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) was not developed until the 18th century. The garden strawberry is a hybrid between two wild strawberry species, Fragaria virginiana and Fragaria chiloensis, which were originally found in North and South America, respectively. The first recorded crossing of these two species was made by French botanist Antoine Nicolas Duchesne in 1764, and the resulting fruit was larger and sweeter than its wild counterparts. However, it was not until the early 19th century that strawberries became popular as a commercial crop. In the United States, the first successful strawberry crop was grown in the 1830s in the state of Massachusetts, and by

WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF SHAVEGRASS?  Shavegrass, also known as horsetail, is a type of plant that has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. The plant has been used by indigenous people in North America, Europe, and Asia for a variety of health purposes, including as a natural remedy for joint pain, skin irritation, and other conditions. Shavegrass is believed to have been used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, who used the plant to treat skin wounds, stop bleeding, and promote wound healing. The plant was also used by Native American tribes, who used it to treat a variety of health conditions, including kidney problems and bladder issues. In traditional Chinese medicine, shavegrass was used as a diuretic and to treat conditions such as edema and joint pain. Also, shavegrass is considered to be a "kidney tonic" and is

WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF BANANAS?  Bananas have a long and fascinating history. Here are some key facts about the history of bananas: Bananas are believed to have originated in Southeast Asia, in the region that includes modern-day Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Wild bananas have been growing in the region for thousands of years. The cultivation of bananas dates back to around 7,000 years ago in Papua New Guinea. From there, bananas spread to other parts of Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Bananas were introduced to the Middle East and Africa by traders and travelers. It is believed that bananas were introduced to India around 200 AD. European explorers first encountered bananas in the Caribbean during the late 15th century. It is believed that Portuguese sailors brought the first banana plants to the Americas. Bananas were not widely consumed in

WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF DATES?  Dates are a sweet and nutritious fruit that have been enjoyed for thousands of years. They are believed to have originated in the region that is now Iraq, and have been cultivated in the Middle East and North Africa for over 5,000 years. Dates were a staple food of the ancient Egyptians, who used them for food, as well as for religious and medicinal purposes. They were also popular among the ancient Greeks and Romans, who traded them throughout the Mediterranean region. As trade routes developed, dates were introduced to other parts of the world, including Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Today, dates are grown in many countries around the world, with the largest producers being Egypt, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. Dates have a long history of cultural and religious significance, and are an important part of the

WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF MANGO?  The mango is a tropical fruit that has a long history of cultivation and use. It is believed to have originated in Southeast Asia, specifically in the region of eastern India, Myanmar (Burma), and Bangladesh. It is one of the most widely cultivated fruits in the world and has been enjoyed for thousands of years. Mango was introduced to other parts of Asia and the Middle East through trade and commerce and eventually made its way to Africa, the Caribbean, and South America. The fruit was then brought to the United States in the 19th century and has since become a popular ingredient in many dishes and drinks. In India, the mango has been revered for thousands of years and is considered the "king of fruits". Mangoes have been depicted in Indian art and literature for centuries

WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF SAFFRON?  Saffron has a rich and ancient history, and its use dates back over 3,000 years. Saffron is believed to have originated in the eastern Mediterranean, Middle East, and Asia Minor regions, where it was first cultivated for its medicinal and culinary uses. Saffron was highly valued by the ancient Greeks and Romans for its use as a spice, dye, and as a treatment for various ailments. It was also used by ancient cultures for religious rituals and as a symbol of wealth and power. In the Middle Ages, saffron was widely used in European cuisine, and it was a key ingredient in many dishes, including soups, stews, and sauces. It was also used for medicinal purposes, and its popularity as a luxury item continued to grow. Today, saffron is still considered a precious spice, and it is widely

WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF CHIA SEEDS?  Chia seeds have a long and rich history, dating back to the ancient civilizations of Mexico and Guatemala. Chia seeds were a staple food of the Aztecs, who referred to them as "running food" due to their ability to provide sustained energy. The Aztecs used chia seeds for food, medicine, and religious ceremonies, and the seeds were so valued that they were even used as a form of currency. After the fall of the Aztec Empire, chia seeds fell out of use and were largely forgotten for hundreds of years. However, interest in chia seeds was renewed in the 1980s and 1990s, as researchers began to discover the health benefits of these tiny seeds. Today, chia seeds are widely recognized as a nutritious and versatile food that can be easily incorporated into a healthy diet. Chia

WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF CARDAMOM?  Cardamom is a spice that has been used for thousands of years in various cultures and cuisines. The history of cardamom can be traced back to ancient civilizations in the East, where it was used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. In ancient times, cardamom was used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India to treat a variety of ailments, including digestive problems, respiratory issues, and bad breath. It was also used as a flavoring for foods and beverages, such as spiced teas, curries, and sweets. Cardamom spread to other parts of the world through trade and commerce. It was widely used in the Middle East, where it was a key ingredient in traditional spice blends and sweets. Cardamom also made its way to Europe during the medieval period, where it was used in dishes such as meat

WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF CACAO NIBS?  Cacao nibs are made from the roasted and crushed seeds of the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), which is native to South America. The use of cacao and its products, including cacao nibs, dates back thousands of years to ancient civilizations in South and Central America, where the seeds were used for both culinary and ceremonial purposes. The Mayans and Aztecs believed that cacao was a gift from the gods and used it as currency and in religious rituals. They also consumed cacao in a bitter drink, often mixed with spices and honey. The drink was believed to have both spiritual and physical benefits, including increased energy and heightened awareness. When Spanish conquistadors arrived in South America, they discovered the use of cacao and brought the seeds back to Europe, where sugar was added to make the

WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF SPIRULINA?  Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that has been used as a food source for thousands of years. The earliest known use of spirulina dates back to the Aztecs in Mexico, who harvested it from the waters of Lake Texcoco and consumed it as a staple food source. Spirulina has been used as a food source for centuries by the people living in the vicinity of Lake Texcoco in Mexico, and in Chad, Africa. In the 1960s, spirulina was rediscovered as a potential food source and was soon cultivated on a commercial scale. However, it is now being grown and harvested on a commercial scale for use as a dietary supplement due to its high concentration of nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals. WHAT NUTRIENTS ARE IN SPIRULINA? Spirulina is a rich source of several essential nutrients,